Guttstrong Golf Outing Raises $45,000 For LICSF

On September 13th the inaugural Guttstrong Charity Golf Outing was held at Cold Spring Country Club. Held in honor of the late Jeff Guttentag, the outing was a huge success in its first year. Thanks to the generous support of the field, $45,000 was raised for the LICSF and the Jeff Guttentag Memorial Scholarship. The event sold out within a week and the support never wavered through the conclusion of the outing.
“Guttstrong Charity Inc. is proud to announce that we have raised $45,000 at the Inaugural Guttstrong Golf Outing for the Long Island Caddie Scholarship Fund and the Jeff Guttentag Memorial Scholarship,” said Lori Guttentag. “Jeff, a former caddie, and board member at Cold Spring Country Club, wholeheartedly supported caddie programs and would be thrilled to know that the money we raised is going toward their higher education.”
Jeff “Gutt” Guttentag, like the game of golf, brought people together. Jeff was a former caddie, golfer, and member of Cold Spring Country Club for much of his life. He was also a two-time Club Champion. Jeff died at age 52 due to COVID-19. The hashtag #Guttstrong was created in honor of his brave fight throughout his hospital stay and 4 weeks on a ventilator. Jeff leaves a legacy of family, friends, golf games and years of dedication to serving Cold Spring as Golf Chair, Vice President, Board Member, and Executive Committee Member. Jeff’s intelligence, sense of humor and devotion to acting in the best interests of all made him a BFF to so many. His smile and happy, easy-going demeanor will inspire us for years to come. Jeff would be honored to know that the Jeff Guttentag Memorial Scholarship was created in his name as he truly believed in the cause.
The Jeff Guttentag Memorial Scholarship will be given through the Long Island Caddie Scholarship Fund. Money raised during the golf outing will go towards the fund and helping ensure a college education for deserving young men and women who have worked in service to golf.
Thanks to generous contributions, the scholarship was awarded for the first time to Robert Posillico, who caddied for five years at Cold Spring. The scholarship was formal awarded on August 9th at Cold Spring. The Jeff Guttentag Memorial Scholarship will be awarded through the LICSF to a highly accomplished caddie from Cold Spring.