LICSF Classic Registration Open

The 2021 LICSF Classic, the 20th iteration of the event, will be held on October 18th at The Meadow Brook Club in Jericho, N.Y. Registration for the event is currently open online through the link here, or by visiting the LICSF Classic Page on our website.
For two decades, the LICSF Golf Classic event has been the cornerstone of the program’s fundraising efforts. This is a special one-day tradition in Long Island golf in support of college scholarships for young men and women who work in service to golf at Long Island clubs. Participation in and support of this event directly supports our scholars’ pursuit of higher education.
Last years event was a tremendous success even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held in August at Sands Point Golf Club.
The LICSF is incredibly excited to host the 20th annual Classic in just a few short months. Event updates will be communicated via our Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as the LICSF Classic home page.